Monday, June 14, 2010

Took some time to recover this past week.

I did my markerset/TT run on Tuesday and my Markerset/TT on the trainer on Wednesday.  Thursday, I was having a really bad day, so I ended up just going for a walk with the dog.  Friday and Saturday I rested and recovered and then Sunday I joined up with Team Alameda to see what it was like to do a group ride with them.  Boy was I in for a pleasant surprise.  Fantastic group of people, and a great ride through areas I hadn't been before and where I probably wouldn't have gone by myself.  I think we ended up riding about three hours.  Hit a few challenging (for me) hills and overall just had a fantastic day.  The only bad parts were 1) my bike 'ghost shifting' in my low (climbing) gears and thus making the climbs 10 times harder then they had to be, and 2) getting caught in my clips and majorly biting the back of one of my legs with the opposite petal.  

BUT, there was one positive to all of that.  When one of the other riders took my bike for a spin to see if he had fixed my ghost shifting problem... HE nearly wrecked because he couldn't unclip.  All this time I thought I was just dorky and uncoordinated and part of the problem was that my clips were too tight!  He adjusted them for me and I have to say, I'm 100% more confident when coming to a stop that I can get out of my clips and not fall over!

The goals for this week are:

1) get in some quality weight training
2) spend some time doing yoga (trying to solve a tightness issue in my back)
3) clean up the nutrition!
4) Train

The training plan is:

Monday - Rest
Tuesday - Tempo run
Wednesday - Tempo swim/Tempo Bike
Thursday - Speed work (run)
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Bike/Run Race Sim Brick
Sunday - Open water swim

I'm finally starting to feel a little fire in my belly again - it's good to be back!

1 comment:

o2bhiking said...

Keep on truckin' Shawn! Someday I am going to come to you for tri advice. Art